The ghost was generated from the " Windows XP Version 2011 SP3 Ubuntu Style "because of his chuanghiraten see the Win this beautiful ghost to create a lot more users.
In addition to the soft copies available in their win also install Slim PDF, IDM, 2007 with a few tweaks Vietkey negligible in the process of creating ghost.
Created from spat Easy Driver beta 3 and beta 5:07 ensure you receive multiple configurations and drivers.
In addition to the soft copies available in their win also install Slim PDF, IDM, 2007 with a few tweaks Vietkey negligible in the process of creating ghost.
Created from spat Easy Driver beta 3 and beta 5:07 ensure you receive multiple configurations and drivers.
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Terima Kasih.
Maaf mas, kalo ngga salah file ini ( Ghost Windows XP SP3 Style Ubuntu Version ) bukanya pake acronis ya..
BalasHapusya sob, betul sekali.
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